28.–31.10.2025 #fsb

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The world's first sustainable stadium seating | Exhibitor on the FSB 2023

The world's first sustainable stadium seating

True to the cradle-to-cradle principle, we think in cycles and continue to use the old stadium seats. In doing so, we not only pay attention to the reuse of resources, but also to environmentally friendly and sustainable production.

We manufacture our stadium seats exclusively from sustainable materials. Since 2022, we have been the first company in the world to use polyamide recyclate specially developed to meet the requirements of stadium seats.

It is not only our basic material that is sustainable, but also the world in which we work. With our regional partners, we manage to keep transport distances as short as possible.

Thanks to us, old stadium seats no longer have to be disposed of at great expense. We think in cycles and thanks to a new process we can recycle old stadium seats into the production of new stadium seats. With our company STADICHAIR we transform additionally well preserved stadium seats into real designer chairs or bar stools. 

The cooperation with MBRC not only makes it possible to free beaches in countries such as Indonesia from waste and especially plastic, but also to return this costal plastic into the cycle for the production of stadium seats.

Unfortunately, our oceans and beaches have been a collection point for all kinds of trash for years, causing great harm to nature and wildlife. MBRC finances Beach Clean Ups and recycles the collected Coastal Plastic together with regional companies. It was clear to us very quickly that we wanted to be a part of this with our product and we are proud to be stadiums of this project.
Lenkwerk Am Stadtholz 24-26
33609 Bielefeld
Hall 10.1 | D039