Cross-generational: "Für älle Leit vo ois bis neinaneizg"
The basic principle of the planning was to develop a play area for "älle Leit vo ois bis neinaneizg" (one to -99) - as a public playground and space for exercise for the residents of the adjacent senior citizens' residence, for their visitors as well as for walkers, groups and family excursionists by bike. With the connection of the playground to the cycle path, to the senior citizens' residence and further to the village of Nenningen, an open space with different offers of use has been created. Playground equipment, exercise equipment and play areas for children, young people, adults and senior citizens have been realised as a unit on the multi-generation playground. At the German SPIELRAUM Award 2021 ("Together!"), the jury awarded the project a special prize.
The jury statement
This is how the jury justified the award: "Previously, the property with the senior citizens' residence was not accessible - only with the planning of the outdoor facility was a barrier-free, wheelchair-friendly connection created between the public cycle path, the senior citizens' residence and the centre of the village. The pathway overcomes a height difference of approximately ten metres without steps and with an incline of less than six percent - alternatively, there is a challenging balancing and climbing facility. And the square in the middle is not only the central hub for the routing, but also offers new views into the Lautertal valley.

Cross-generational: Multi-generational playground at a senior citizens' residence near Nenningen - aerial view
With the connection of the playground to the cycle path, to the senior citizens' residence and further to the village of Nenningen, an open space with numerous offers of use has been created. Different play objects, exercise equipment and play areas for children, youths, adults and senior citizens have been realised as a unit, which as a 'multi-generation playground' has numerous exemplary aspects. In addition, the square fulfils an important urban planning function: It provides a connection between the centre of the village, the public cycle path and the residents of the senior citizens' residence. It should also be emphasised that this public play and recreation area can be reached barrier-free and that a wheelchair-accessible connection has been created between the public cycle path, the senior citizens' residence and the town centre. The selection of the play and exercise equipment is successful and motivates joint use. In most cases, several people - even of different age groups - can play and move together. The difference in height is cleverly used to create special play situations."
The jury was just as positive about the connection to the senior citizens' residence as it was about the design of the grounds. They awarded this facility a special prize in the German SPIELRAUM Award 2021 - as a multigenerational playground with numerous exemplary aspects.

Cross-generational: Multi-generational playground at a senior citizens' residence near Nenningen - view with senior citizens' residence
Reprint (excerpts) of the article in the trade journal STADT und RAUM (6/2022); with kind permission of the publisher.